Bus Schedule
We have arranged for bus transportation between Saturday's events. Please arrive ten minutes before each scheduled departure time.
Transportation from Hotels to the Basilica
Buses will depart the Aloft, the Doubletree, the Hilton Garden Inn, and the Inn at St. Mary's at 12:00 PM. Buses will depart the Embassy Suites, the Fairfield Inn, and the Morris Inn at 12:25 PM
Transportation from the Basilica to Hotels
Following Mass, buses will be available to return guests to the following hotels: the Aloft, the Doubletree, the Hilton Garden Inn, the Inn at St. Mary's, the Embassy Suites, and the Fairfield Inn. These buses will depart Sorin Circle at 2:30 PM.
Transportation from Hotels to Palais Royale
Buses will depart the following hotels at 4:00 PM: the Hilton Garden Inn, the Inn at St. Mary's, the Embassy Suites, the Fairfield Inn, and the Morris Inn. Because the Aloft and the Doubletree are within walking distance of Palais Royale, buses will not stop at these hotels.
Transportation from Palais Royale to Hotels
Beginning at 9:00 PM, buses will be available to return guests to the following hotels: the Hilton Garden Inn, the Inn at St. Mary's, the Embassy Suites, the Fairfield Inn, and the Morris Inn.